Executive Committee
Section 1. The Post Executive Committee shall meet for organization and other such business as may come before it at the call of the Post Commander within ten days of the installation of the new officers. Thereafter the Post Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month or if said Commander may deem necessary. Four members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. The Post Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Post, shall hire such employees as may be necessary; shall authorize and approve all expenditures; and generally, shall have charge of, and be responsible for the management of the affairs of this Post between the meetings of the post and subject to the approval of the Post; shall require that all Post officers and members handling American Legion monies be properly bonded with a good and solvent bonding and surety company, as surety to cover double the average amount of money handled in a single year; bonds to be approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. The Post Executive Committee shall meet on the fourth Saturday of every month.
Committee Members:
Lon Schwenzer Jr. - President Greg Yahn
Dan Taylor Jerry Smith - Secretary
Dave May Dan Walker - Treasurer
Ken Ayotte